Tuesday, May 20, 2008

David Archuleta Voice Coach Claims David Cook Favoritism on American Idol

Heard this report on the radio and found the story on the National Ledger:

Who will win American idol? David Archuleta challenges rocker David Cook for the title tonight on Fox. Archuleta has already won the coin toss and he will get to go second this week. Despite the fact that his dad has reportedly been banned from the show he shouted out for his kid to go last in the contest. According to MTV you could hear Jeff Archuleta shout, "Second, Second!" Poor kid.
David Archuleta Voice Coach Claims David Cook Favoritism on American Idol (Fox)According to Vote for the Worst, an American idol website that gives suggestions on who American should vote for each week the fix is in, at least according to David Archuleta's voice coach. He is claiming that idol producers are favoring David Cook.

In an interview with the Fox affiliate in Utah, Archuleta Voice coach Dean Kaelin complained about the way the producers of American idol have positioned David's songs and complained that since his dad Jeff was stuck in the audience the producers made a tempo change that Jeff Archuleta would have refused. He basically said in the TV interview that the idol producers bullied Archuleta into singing a song with a different tempo. The voice coach also complained about "weird positioning" of the song choices with David Cook and the younger performer.David Archuleta already has a 'soft' image and seems to struggle in interviews and on the stage. He plays everything as safe as possible and having his voice coach sporting his very own conspiracy theories on video and on the air at My Fox Utah certainly isn't going to help his image at all.

Meanwhile in an interview on ELLEN today, Simon indicated that although it depends on song choice and could be close, he feels that David Cook will win based on his performance & charisma. He said that it is almost as though Archuleta has been trained since childhood to perform. Ellen is also a David Cook fan. Ellen held Simon accountable for some of the personal barbs he has thrown at contestants. See the video.

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